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The Magickey Teknik® Energy Therapist cannot in any case give medical advice, establish a diagnosis, prescribe or modify a treatment in progress.

A session with a Magickey Teknik Energetic Therapist, does not exempt the person from consulting his attending physician and / or following established medical prescriptions.

Only a doctor or a healthcare professional established in his country can prescribe or modify a treatment. Magickey Teknik® Energy Therapist and cannot be assimilated and / or confused with a doctor, psychologist, acupuncturist or physiotherapist, or any other health professional whose profession is regulated in his country.



The information provided by the (including its administrators, employees and representatives in all of the text below), on its website, on the internet and on social media can in no way replace the link that unites you to your doctor or health care professional.

The techniques and information mentioned here are general and informative only and in no way seeks to replace any advice, diagnosis or treatment whatsoever.

Before making any medical decisions, or if you have any questions regarding your personal medical condition and even before dealing with a therapist, be sure to speak with a doctor or health care professional, qualified in health.

Always heed the advice of healthcare professionals, and never delay soliciting these people because of the information presented by Each situation is unique and the general information we publish may not apply to you. If you think your medical situation is urgent, call your doctor right away or call 911.

If in doubt, it is better to follow your heart and not go further with what we offer you here. Consult your doctor before you go any further with everything we offer. We are not here to harm you but really to help you improve your overall health as a whole. Perhaps what we are offering does not apply to you personally, so in such a situation it would be best to consult your doctor or qualified health care professional.

In addition, we make every effort to ensure that the information we disseminate is always accurate and reliable, but we cannot guarantee its completeness, nor the total absence of error. assumes no responsibility for the quality of the information or services offered...

The has on the other hand a very strict code of ethics concerning its therapists within the Association, each therapist is completely responsible for his actions and the care offered to his own clients and this on an individual basis.

If you have a complaint or questions regarding our therapy offered to the general public, do not hesitate to contact our at: +1 (514) 800-8693 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The association does not endorse any other organization, person or body, nor does it endorse any particular service, product, treatment or technique. Only the Magickey Teknik World Academy offers certified courses for our Association, through its qualified teachers recognized by

Several information and products presented by Magickey Teknik® Energy Therapist have not been evaluated by the "Food and Drug Administration" or "Health Canada". In addition, the techniques and products described by, are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease whatsoever. On the other hand, they can allow in certain cases to provide general information which can lead a person to consult his qualified health professional for a medical evaluation, or other, depending on his situation.

Our main goal is to help people improve their quality of life in a natural way and with 100% organic food. Or, using techniques and accessories available here that can allow you to self-maintain by yourself naturally, and this of course, as far as possible, simply by activating correspondence points on the network of your meridians.

In conclusion, the information contained on our site, or elsewhere, does not purport to consist of medical advice, but only for educational and general purposes of the alternative medicine offered in addition to the current established health system in your country.

Please do not use this information


Website Warning and Disclaimer on the language and usage of this website, updated January 2, 2020 V1.2

By the Board of Directors of Original Health Distribution ltd. for the website: en Holding with Projektia inc.

* The trademarks Magickey Teknik®, Yoga des Mains de Magickey Teknik® are registered trademarks belonging to Projektia inc and Original Health Distribution ltd respectively.

* The websites are all a holding company that is part of the Magickey® Network Family and the group. Our advertisements are managed by the group and trademarks Magickey Teknik®, Yoga of the Hands by Magickey Teknik ® are registered trademarks belonging respectively to Projektia inc and Original Health Distribution ltd. Our websites are hosted and maintenance is done by one of our affiliated companies.



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