Your heart
Your heart

Few people realize an awful lot about how their very own hearts and emotions paintings.
The following questions may be asked to discover more about this organ that is the coronary heart.
- Wherein is the coronary heart of a human?
- How essential is the heart?
- What's the reason that the coronary heart beats faster during physical pastime?
- A way to calm the palpitations?
- What are the signs of a tired coronary heart?
- What foods are true for the heart?
- Which plant is right for reducing cholesterol?
- What motion is related to the coronary heart?
- What exercising is good for retaining true heart health?
In this section of the weblog, you will discover a way to do it for yourself and tips warned folks that can or have the capacity to do it yourself. Please examine our caution signal for this.
You can constantly visit our directory to discover an expert on your vicinity and make an appointment; this could prevent from unnecessary awful experiences.
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- Written by: Super User
- Parent Category: Health Tips
- Category: Your heart
- Hits: 3499
Hot Weather 2 is the second module for weather forecast developed by HotThemes. This module is based on simpleWeather jQuery plugin. This is a very powerful and configurable plugin which uses Yahoo! Weather service for weather forecast.
If you want to determine will this module show weather forecast for your area, simply visit Yahoo! Weather website and check it there.
This module don't have much parameters. You can enable/disable loading of jQuery (disable if you are using module with our Joomla templates). You can select Fahrenheit or Celsius units for temperature. And finally, you can select your location by entering your city name (in example, type London).
For advanced tweaking of the module's output, you can edit file /modules/mod_hot_weather2/tmpl/default.php. There you can edit textual string which starts with line which starts with "html=". By default, for Hot News Portal template, we included an icon of current weather conditions, current temperature, a textual description of current weather conditions and location name. You can add many other weather parameters and combine them in this string in the way you like. The list of all parameters is on simpleWeather website.
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- Written by: Super User
- Parent Category: Health Tips
- Category: Your heart
- Hits: 3226
Hot Video Wall is a Joomla module which simplifies procedure of including Youtube videos. This module uses YouTube TV script by Jacob Kelley.
Almost all parameters of this script can be controlled through the module options. First of all, you can insert YouTube user whose videos you'd like to include in your site. So, you can include your own videos by entering your username or videos made by other users. Alternatively, you can include specific YouTube playlist by entering the playlist's ID. The rest of the parameters, such as colors are related to the video pane. It's possible to include video controls or to hide them. You can also include annotations (if YouTube video has annotations) or omit them. Videos can be played automatically on after visitors request. Also, it's possible to chain video (play them continuously).
The module dimensions are also controllable. You can enter width in percents (it's good for responsive sites) and height in pixels.
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- Written by: Super User
- Parent Category: Health Tips
- Category: Your heart
- Hits: 3963
Need to display your images as a carousel? Easily done with our new Joomla extension.
Hot Joomla Carousel is a simple Joomla module that will help you to show your photos in a carousel style. You can see how it works on this demo site. Usage is very simple. You need to enter path to your images and your carousel is ready.
Open module parameters in Extensions > Module Manager > Hot Joomla Carousel. You'll see that some default parameters are already there. However, you should change some of them to accomodate module for usage on your site.
- LOAD JQUERY: Select wheter to load jQuery library or not. If your template already loads it, you may disable this to avoid possible javascript errors.
- FOLDER: Where your images are stored, relative to Joomla root directory.
- OVERALL WIDTH OF MODULE: Overall width of module in pixels (in example 200)
- OVERALL WIDTH OF MODULE: Overall height of module in pixels (in example 150)
- NUMBER OF IMAGES ON SCREEN: Number of images that will be shown on screen at the same time (in example 5)
- WIDTH OF IMAGES: Width of images in carousel in pixels (in example 128)
- HEIGHT OF IMAGES: Height of images in carousel in pixels (in example 128)
- MARGIN BETWEEN TWO IMAGES: Distance beween two neighbor images in pixels (in example 10)
- PADDING BETWEEN BORDER AND IMAGE: Padding beween image borders and images in pixels (in example 2)
- BORDER WIDTH: Width of borders of images in pixels (in example 2)
- BORDER COLOR: Color of borders of images in hexadecimal format (in example 000000)
- SHOW PAGINATION: Select whether to display linked numbers of carousel pages or not
- AUTOSLIDE: Select whether to change images automatically or not
- AUTOSLIDE INTERVAL: Time in milliseconds between change of slides (only if autoslide enabled)
- SELECT TRANSITION EFFECT: Select slide or fade transition effect
- ANIMATION SPEED: Select speed of transition animation
- DIRECTION OF IMAGES: Select horizontal to display images in a row, or select vertical to display images in a column
- TRANSITION LOOP: Select whether to show transition of images in loop or not
- Details
- Written by: Super User
- Parent Category: Health Tips
- Category: Your heart
- Hits: 3971
Hot Joomla Gallery module is incorporated in this template. You can see how it works on this demo site. Usage is very simple. You need to enter path to your images and your gallery is ready. Control other parameters to make your gallery works better with your theme.
Hot Joomla Gallery module by is a fully configurable, simple gallery module, based on jQuery.
In module parameters, you have control over module display. You can enable or disable image descriptions. It's possible to change number of thumbnails. Images can be shown in "per name" or random order. Slide duration is configurable as well. Module colors are configurable. Unlike our other extensions, here you can't change module width and height. Module width and height are set automatically, based on resolutions of your images. So, please prepare images in a folder before publishing this module.
Open module parameters in Extensions > Module Manager > HOT Joomla Gallery. You'll see that some default parameters are already there. However, you should change some of them to accomodate module for usage on your site.
- LOAD JQUERY: Select wheter to load jQuery library or not. If your template already loads it, you may disable this to avoid possible javascript errors.
- FOLDER: Where your images are stored, relative to Joomla root directory.
- ENTER DATA: Fill this only if you need photos with description text. Otherwise, leave this empty and photos will be shown without description.
- SHUFFLE IMAGES: Select whether to randomize images order or not.
- TIMER: How long one photo will stay on screen. Time is in milliseconds.
- AUTO-SLIDE: Select whether to rotate photos automatically or not.
- GALLERY COLOR: Enter module's border color.
- ACTIVE THUMBNAIL BORDER: Border color of active thumbnail image.