Parent Category: Health Tips
Category: Your heart
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hot video wallHot Video Wall is a Joomla module which simplifies procedure of including Youtube videos. This module uses YouTube TV script by Jacob Kelley.

Almost all parameters of this script can be controlled through the module options. First of all, you can insert YouTube user whose videos you'd like to include in your site. So, you can include your own videos by entering your username or videos made by other users. Alternatively, you can include specific YouTube playlist by entering the playlist's ID. The rest of the parameters, such as colors are related to the video pane. It's possible to include video controls or to hide them. You can also include annotations (if YouTube video has annotations) or omit them. Videos can be played automatically on after visitors request. Also, it's possible to chain video (play them continuously).

The module dimensions are also controllable. You can enter width in percents (it's good for responsive sites) and height in pixels.